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The World Encyclopedia of Military Helicopters LORENZ BOOKS (9780754835660)

Lorenz Books

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The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Military Helicopters - Lorenz Books (9780754835660)


  • 256 pages
  • Over 500 photos and illustrations
  • Hardcover
  • Book dimensions are 11" x 8.5"
This fully up-to-date reference book provides an authoritative overview of the military helicopter. It begins with a detailed history, from the ideas of Leonardo da Vinci through to the tilt-rotor aircraft that have operated with coalition forces in Afghanistan. The book continues with an A-Z directory covering over 80 helicopters from the most famous manufacturers including AĆ©rospatiale, Agusta, Bell, Boeing-Vertol, Eurocopter, Kamov, Robinson, and Sikorsky. The origins, development and operation of each type are clearly described, and a specification panel gives key performance and dimensional data. This informative book is superbly illustrated with cutaway drawings and over 500 photographs showing helicopters both on the battlefield and in service. Francis Crosby worked for many years at the Imperial War Museum at Duxford, England, one of the leading sites for aviation enthusiasts. His published works includes The World Encyclopedia of Fighter Aircraft, The World Encyclopedia of Bombers, and The World Encyclopedia of Naval Aircraft.