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The Complete Illustrated History of World War II Lorenz Books (9780754834823)

Lorenz Books

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Military Conflict:
World War II

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The Complete Illustrated History of World War II - (9780754834823)


  • 256 pages
  • Over 500 photographs
  • Book dimensions are 11.5" x 9"
  • Hardcover
This authoritative book begins with the aftermath of World War I, when new political movements and grievances took shape. The book then covers the war in detail from the advance of Nazi forces across Europe to Operation Barbarossa, and from the battles in North Africa to the war in the Pacific. Life during this time for civilians and prisoners of war is also considered, as is the genocide of these years and the creation of weapons of mass destruction. The final chapter covers the themes which shaped the second half of the 20th century - the establishment of the Iron Curtain, decolonization and the reconstruction of Europe. The brutal history and sheer scope of World War II is well_x0002_served by this intelligent and wide-ranging illustrated account of the conflict, told in an accessible style that is perfect for both the general and specialist reader