Armed Bluejackets Ashore: US Navy Landing Guns 1850-1942 (9781625450821)
In Armed Bluejackets?Ashore, Nelson Lawry explores in meticulous detail a subject area barely considered in previous?American?naval histories: that of US Navy landing guns. From the bronze Dahlgren muzzleloading smoothbore howitzer deployed extensively during and after the Civil War, to the final 3-inch naval landing gun, the Mark XI, which likely saw use in the Philippines during 1942, this book chronicles the history and characteristics of every model of US Navy landing gun in service between 1850 and 1942. It is an account of a largely forgotten but fascinating part of US naval ordnance development, evolved in the exciting context of interdepartmental wrangling, coercive diplomacy, swashbuckling military adventure, and actual combat.
- 320 pages
- Over 160 photos and illustrations
- Hardcover
- Dimensions are 6.75" x 9.75"
In Armed Bluejackets?Ashore, Nelson Lawry explores in meticulous detail a subject area barely considered in previous?American?naval histories: that of US Navy landing guns. From the bronze Dahlgren muzzleloading smoothbore howitzer deployed extensively during and after the Civil War, to the final 3-inch naval landing gun, the Mark XI, which likely saw use in the Philippines during 1942, this book chronicles the history and characteristics of every model of US Navy landing gun in service between 1850 and 1942. It is an account of a largely forgotten but fascinating part of US naval ordnance development, evolved in the exciting context of interdepartmental wrangling, coercive diplomacy, swashbuckling military adventure, and actual combat.