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88mm FlaK 37 With Late War Carriage And No Shield 1/30 Model William Britain (25182)

William Britain

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Military Conflict:
World War II
1:30 Scale

Currently Unavailable


  • Approximately 8" long
  • All metal construction
  • Hand painted and ready for display
  • Comes with ammo crates and shells
The origins of the Flugabwehr-Kanone 88mm gun hearken back to 1928 and are part of a series of guns produced by Krupp. This weapon would be introduced in 1934 and further developmentpage2image2011120 would result in similar Flak 36 and 37 models. The main differences being that the barrel was made in two pieces that allowed worn liners to be replaced as well as the addition of a shield which offered some protection for the crew. All had a cruciform gun carriage where two of the trails folded upright and the other two would be supported by single axle bogie wheels for movement. A well trained crew could unlimber and set up the gun in less than three minutes.